Personal Development
Product Offer #1
Comprehensive Life Blueprint Report
For Individuals who go by their Birth Name
Offer includes:
(1) Life Blueprint and a 60-minute recorded phone consultation
A Life Blueprint is assigned to all human beings at birth based on your name and date of birth and represents an individual’s full potential in their lifetime. This is a comprehensive report and a complete character analysis.
Cost: $259.00
Product Offer #2
Basic Life Blueprint Chart
For Individuals who have legally changed their birth name
Offer includes:
(2) Basic Life Blueprints and a 60-minute recorded phone consultation
This is a Life Blueprint but a shorter version of the comprehensive report (character analysis). Because you’ve legally changed your name, you will need two reports; one for your birth name, and the other for your current legal name to learn the effect of that name change.
Cost: $249.00
Product Offer #3
Essence Chart
For individuals wanting to understand their life experiences
Offer includes:
(1) Essence chart and a 45-minute recorded phone consultation
This report tracks your entire life experiences on a yearly basis from “Age 1” to your “Current Age” plus “5” Years into the future. It’s a holistic look at where you started, where you’ve traveled, where you are, and five years into the future. If you have legally changed your name, then you will be gifted the second chart.
Cost: $249.00